35th LD Dems Leadership


The mission of the 35th Legislative District Democrats is to promote and further the election and reelection of Democratic candidates to the Legislature from the 35th Legislative District, and to organize and conduct the business of the biennial district caucus.



35th LD Democrats' Executive Committee 2023 - 2024

OfficeNameE-mail Address
ChairDusty Rhodeschair@35thdemocrats.org
Vice ChairDarcy Huffmanvice-chair@35thdemocrats.org
SecretaryRosalynn Rustsecretary@35thdemocrats.org
TreasurerBob Gilbytreasurer@35thdemocrats.org
State Committee MemberMichael Siptroth35thstatecommitteemichael@35thdemocrats.org
State Committee MemberElizabeth Alexander35thscm-ELA@35thdemocrats.org
Campaign Committee ChairGreg Sipnicki campaign-committee-chair@35thdemocrats.org
ParliamentarianPatti Bradley
Kitsap County Democrats ChairJohanna Baxterchair@kitsapdemocrats.org
Mason County Democrats ChairMarilyn Corriganmkcorr87@gmail.com
Thurston County Democrats ChairCade Walkerchair@thurstondemocrats.org